De laatste dag van het HD Festival in het Baskenland gaf Dirk een openhartige lezing over wat het is om Reflector te zijn. Zijn verhaal raakte Stien en inspireerde haar tot een gedicht dat uiteindelijk niet alleen een geschenk voor Dirk bleek maar ook een poëtische terugblik op de week.
Once every while an Openness is born.
A surprising, uncompromising outlook on the Sea of Patterns

the winds, the water,

the wild dreams of earth and fire,
our incarnated madness,
our yearning and desire.
It carries in its presence
the potential to take in
every single part of It
with such a violently tender depth
that it reveals the abyss
waiting for you,
the end of a game,
the shattering of illusions,
of guilt and shame.
Face to face
with Its naked truth
you might want to hide,
clinging on
to the numbing familiarity
of your fearful thoughts.
Or you might
accept the gift
and see yourself
taking that leap of fate
Jumping into the void.
Whatever it is you do,
gracefully allow
this to be true:
that what you see
is the purest Love
you’ll ever know,
for in that Openness
the one you get to greet
to speak, to meet
is so much more
but no one less
than a reflection
of You.
Stien for Dirk
Human Design Interactive Week
27th of May 2016
Les Fous du village, Saint Esteben,  France

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